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Register Your Pet

If your pet goes missing, mark them as “Lost”
Open your pet’s profile to mark your pet as Lost. You will receive an email from us with step by step instructions on how to help locate your lost pet. Please check your spam folder if you do not see it show up.
If someone scans your pet’s tag, you will automatically receive a notification.

Lost Pet Map
When your pet is marked as Lost, it will be visible to other users in your area.
To view the map, on the home screen of the app-click on the pet map button on the bottom. Location services must be turned on for an accurate feed, otherwise, it will mark you elsewhere. Your pet must be marked as “lost” to show up on this map (this can be done on your pet profile). If you do not see your pet on the map after marking lost, you may need to zoom out.

If someone finds your pet, you will receive a notification of where their tag was scanned.

Bring Your Pet Home
When your pet has been reunited with you, don’t forget to mark them as Found in their profile.